Billingshurst Dog Training Club
Billingshurst Dog Training Club



Amount raised so far £274.00


This years charity elected at the AGM was Clymping Dog Sanctuary.


Charities 2015: Kit Wilson Aged Dog Accommodation and WADARS: Money raised £3000.
Charities 2016:
 War Dogs Remembered and Animal Health Trust: Money raised £2100.

Charities 2017: Sussex Caring Pets and Medical Detection Dogs: Money raised £1600. 

Charities 2018: Blind Dog Rescue and Pet Blood Bank: Money raised £1900.

Charity 2019: Garbo's GSDR: Money raised £2600.

Charities 2020: Battersea Dogs Home and Pets as Therapy: money raised £660.00

Charities 2021/22: Battersea Dogs Home and Pets as Therapy: money raised  £1143.60

Charities 2022/23: Streetvet: money raised £1500.00

Charity 2023/24 Hearing Dogs for Deaf People: money raised £1100.00

Charity 2024/2025 Clymping Dog Sanctuary: £274.00 so far

Charity Coordinator Catherine Brown:





Clymping Dog Sanc tuary take in unwanted and stray dogs and also dogs from owners who find they can no longer keep them. They necer judge. They care for and keep the dogs, until they find loving, forever homes for them. They never put a clinically healthy dog down, so sometimes they have a few long term residents with them until the right owner comes along.



Clymping Dog Sanctuary provides a safe refuge for many vulnerable dogs. Sadly some owners decide they no longer want, or can care for their dogs and surrender them. Other times these dogs are found as strays. They look after them all, until they can find their rightful place in a loving forever home. If They cannot find them the right home, they will always have one with them at the Sanctuary, and they will love them. They never put a healthy dog down.

THE SANCTUARY IS RUN SOLELY BY VOLUNTEERS                                                                          They often receive wounded dogs in desperate need of medical attention or on the brink of starvation. There is no greater reward than seeing a dog fully restored and filled with joy. As an organisation run solely by volunteers they rely heavily on people’s donations.


As you know Billingshurst Dog Training Club support different charities every year. In 2020 we began to raise money for Pets As Therapy until Covid prevented us from meeting. Up to that point we had raised £330. We then continued to raise money and raised a further £571.80 making a total of £901.80.

Eunice and Sue (pictured below) representing Billingshurst Dog Training Club went to Crufts on Thursday to present the final cheque to Matthew Robinson. (Head of Income Generation and Marketing).

Interestingly Pets As Therapy are celebrating their 40th anniversary in the same year as BDTC celebrate their 60th.

More details can be found on the link below.

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