Dog training, especially obedience, is best started at a very early age, but dogs of all ages can learn successfully.
With the help of Billingshurst Dog Training Club you can help your dog learn in a safe and friendly environment, using both motivation and play. Our team of highly skilled instructors will help to ensure that you and your dog receive first class training.
We aim to help you communicate with your dog using modern, kind and fair methods, enabling you to help your dog learn in a happy and relaxed way. You can progress through the classes from Beginners, Advanced Beginners, Intermediate and Top Class, with the opportunity to take part in the Kennel Club's Good Citizens programme.
We also have a Competitive Obedience class for those interested in competing at obedience shows. Please check below for more details on the Competition Obedience classes.
At Billingshurst Dog Training Club we provide five courses a year, each of eight weeks, and these are run by our very experienced instructors (some of whom are members of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers) with the assistance of our very competent helpers. The Beginners/Advanced Beginners classes contain no more than eight dogs, and all classes place emphasis on building a strong, positive relationship between dog and owner. Our instructors include a qualified Tellington Touch Practitioner and a qualified Canine Behaviour Advisor.
When you join the classes, you will also be issued with a variety of useful handouts and helpsheets which relate to the exercises you have worked on in your class each week. Assessment of progress is made during the final weeks of each course.
Exceptional work during the year is rewarded with a number of trophies. However, the most important reward of all for owners is
having a positive, mutually respectful relationship with their happy, well mannered dog who is a pleasure to live with.
Please see below a comment from on of the Obedience Beginners to the secretary.
"Ronny loved the training, all the dogs, the treats and the positive atmosphere and the session run by Sumiko was excellent. I am astounded at how quickly Ronny has learnt to respond to the clicker and was brilliant on his walk this morning at recall. You know the boxer traits very well so this is a real bonus after just one session. Ronny is our 5th boxer and we just love the characteristics of the breed, so playful and loving but not always the easiest to control. Even our older boxer has started to work out that the click means something!
We're already looking forward to next week."
To find out more information on the Obedience classes run by Billingshurst Dog Training Club, click on the contact link above.
Competition Obedience
Our competition class instructors are currently working C and ticket or have worked them in the past. We encourage rewards of food and play/toys and welcome handlers already competing at open shows and those wishing to compete at any level.
Training is held from September to April is in Rudgwick Village Hall. It takes place every other Wednesday between 6.15 and 7.00p.m. and from April to September is outside on the village green every Wednesday from 7.30 p.m. It is now a self help group.
Please contact Alison Poulton 01798 848091 to book a place.