Billingshurst Dog Training Club
Billingshurst Dog Training Club







Chair – Eunice Pearson

Secretary – Pat Reynolds

Treasurer – Trudy Nye

Club Website:


‘DOG ENDS’ Editor- Neil Nye 






Charity Selection 2024 – 2025

August will be over by the time you receive this edition of Dog Ends. I hope you all had a lovely summer, but where did the summer go?

September is here, and it’s time to propose the charity you would like us to support next year. Use the form at the end of the newsletter to propose your charity which must be dog related but not support a single breed. It must have a charity number, so use the Charity Commission website for the information you need to fill in the form.

Find your seconder and this year you both need to sign the form. The forms need to be with me, Sue Salisbury by Monday 23rd September 2024. The committee will then look at the forms and take forward to the AGM all those that fit our criteria, for voting by members.

October… enjoy autumn walks with your dogs.

November is your chance to vote for your charity of choice at our AGM on Friday 29th November 2024.                    Sue Salisbury




A donation of £1,500 has been made to last year’s charity Streetvet. 

The money raised will be used for out of area vet fees so for pets who ordinarily would have no access to essential vet care! So, these pets would be in locations where Streetvet don’t have outreach services (may be south east, but could be elsewhere). This is where cases get reported to them, and they work with a local veterinary practice to get those experiencing homelessness the treatment/care they need for their pet.



The total for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People so far is £742.30. Please keep donating to this very worthwhile cause!

The charity's objectives are the promotion of health and the relief of sicknress in particular by training, providing and supporting animal assisted intervention in the relief of human deafness, disability sickness, suffering or distress, collaborating with other charities where appropriate.



Now is the time to start thinking about charities for our next AGM on 29th November!

Please find more information on the charities we support on the Billingshurst Dog Training Club website.



We will need a new Charity Coordinator for the forthcoming year, so if you want to give the committee a hand and help out please email me on or Sue on for more information.

Due to the workload I have given her as the agility administrator, Sue has had to give up the charity coordinator job. She will be more than willing to assist anybody that takes it on. It is not too onerous a task. You really only need to check the charity nominee’s, and then contact the charities to arrange how we present the cheque for the money raised.                                        The Ed!




Sunday 14th July saw as many club members as could make it assembled at Dedisham Manor, by the kind invitation of Peter and Valerie Harrison, to celebrate the life and memory of Graham Reynolds who sadly passed away on New Year’s Day this year.  He has left an enormous hole, not only in Pat’s life but also amongst club members and especially the agility section and we felt it only right that his unstinting contribution to the club over many years should be recorded and celebrated.  Graham’s dog Sampson and Pat’s bitch Boacea, who have both been rehomed with family and friends, were also able to be present and Pat was mugged to within an inch of her life in a happy reunion!

After eating our lunch the afternoon began with a ‘have a go’ agility course set up by Neil, alongside a Fun Challenge course masterminded by Wendy and Julia.  This was followed by some fun show classes judged by Anne Tooley from Galen Therapy.  We also had a raffle and a tombola running throughout the afternoon so there was always something to be doing.  The results of the classes are as follows:-

Class 1.  Most Handsome Dog

1st Catherine with Bertie, 2nd Tracey with Freddie, 3rd Sarah with Merle, 4th Ann with Brecon

Class 2.  Prettiest Bitch

1st Ros with Blue, 2nd Tina with Blue, 3rd Graham with Jenny, 4th Christine with Molly

Class 3.  Happiest Dog – Waggiest Tail

1st Emily Jane with Jenny, 2nd Val with Star, 3rd Graham with Bailey, 4th Heather with Rollie

Class 4.  Best Trick

1st Sarah with Luna, 2nd Amy with Izzy, 3rd Tina with Blue, 4th Val with Star

Class 5.  Best Rescue

1st Maureen with Febo, 2nd Emily Jane with Jenny, 3rd Christine with Molly

Class 6.  Most Appealing Eyes

1st Amy with Izzy, 2nd Tina with Blue, 3rd Sarah with Bean, 4th Graham with Bailey

Class 7.  Dog The Judge Would Like To Take Home

1st Ros with Blue, 2nd Emily Jane with Jenny, 3rd Sarah with Luna, 4th Kevin with Merle

Results of the Fun Challenge

1st Catherine with Bertie, 2nd Tanya with Eric, 3rd Sarah with Bean, 4th Tracey with Freddie  Apparently the ‘Find the Sausage’ element was a great hit with most of the competitors!


The afternoon drew to a close and, after the presentation of rosettes to the lucky competitors, both Pat and Neil said a few words of thanks to everyone for making the afternoon a fitting tribute to Graham.  We will all miss him and his cheerful presence.

The grand total raised from the raffle and tombola combined was £212.50 and this sum has been presented to Home Counties Boxer Welfare at Pat’s request, in recognition of Graham and Pat’s love of the Boxer breed.

Our thanks go once again to Peter and Valerie for allowing us to use their paddock and make a fuss of the donkeys!  Thanks also to everyone who helped in any way to set up, take down, put away, provide prizes or just generally make themselves useful.  It all made the event a success and one that we will all remember for a long time to come.                                                  Eunice Pearson. Chairman


On the subject of Graham, all the donations that were taken at his funeral in December will go towards a seat on the village green at Rudgwick. It will have an engraved plaque on it in memory of Graham. It just so happens the present seat is in need of replacement and we feel this is a fitting memorial to Graham.




Bignor Village Fete & Dog Show

The Bignor Village Fete & Dog Show, held at Bignor Park on Sunday, 26th May, prominently featured dog agility demonstrations as part of its attractions. Set against the scenic backdrop of Bignor Park, the event offered a variety of local crafts and food stands, with our agility demonstrations and the very competitive local dog show as key highlights.

It was great to see so many members arrive early to assist with setting up the agility course. Designed by Neil and Tracey, the course was located in its usual spot on the green and included jumps, tunnels, and weaves, providing a platform for dogs and handlers to showcase their agility skills in a relaxed, community-oriented environment.

We were really pleased to see participation from club members of all skill levels, offering them and their dogs friendly and supportive exposure to outdoor environments and the lively atmosphere typical of such fete settings.

Overall, the dog agility demonstrations at the Bignor Village Fete & Dog Show were well-received and helped increase our club's exposure at a local level.





If you wish to see a few samples of the club clothing available please speak to Louise Moore (alternatively contact and I will speak to her.

Surrey Embroidery is the suppliers of BDTC clothing.

Check out the items below on the Surrey Embroidery website: 

Either phone them, contact them via the contact page, or email them with your order at the address.


Sweatshirts – Navy:     RX300: £20.40            RX 301: £18.60  Hoodies:     265M French Navy:  £27.50

Rugby Shirts:   FR100 Navy with white collar: £28.00  Polo Shirts RX101 – Navy and white: £16.60 

T shirts GD95 – Navy and White: £13.60  Jackets PW171 – Navy: £29.60       RG125 – Navy: £39.95 

Cap:  RC050 Navy: £13.70 Body Warmer RS214 – Navy : £30.30


Prices include garment, embroidery, vat and p&p, i.e. everything included to receive an individual order. They will send an invoice with the garment.

Please note, Surrey Embroidery do not accept Card Payments so people can pay by BACS, Cheque or Cash. (Note: Prices are correct at time of printing but are subject to change.)

The Surrey Embroidery Co Ltd, The Old Coach House,

1 Fengates Road, Redhill, Surrey,  RH1 6AG.

Tel: 01737 761666, Fax: 01737 780666. 

BACS payments: The Surrey Embroidery co. Ltd, NatWest Plc,

Sort: 60-04-35, Account No.: 52236269




Thanks to all of you who pay your course fees and membership subscriptions online. It is the quickest and easiest way to pay the club.

For anybody who wants to take advantage of this payment system, here are the bank details.

Sort code: 30 94 41 Account number: 01678041.

Contact Trudy at for more details.

Your membership forms will need to be returned to Lynne Stringer

Your course application forms will still need to be returned to the relevant people, i.e. section reps/course instructor/section administrator.




I hope you all enjoyed this copy of ‘DOG ENDS’ and have found something of interest, and we will see you at one of the events.

If you need to find anything out about Billingshurst Dog Training Club, the best place is to check out the website, which I try to keep updated regularly.

If you have anything you would like added (or put in ‘DOG ENDS’) please contact me at, and I will be pleased to add it.

Contributions for the next issue and website are always gratefully received.   

As ever, a very big thank you to all of you who contributed to this edition of ‘DOG ENDS’                                                                                                       The Ed!



29th November BDTC AGM




Please note BDTC cannot be held responsible for any information found on any of the links in the ‘DOG ENDS’ Newsletter.






(Please note BDTC cannot be held responsible for any information found on any links on the BDTC website!)

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© Billingshurst Dog Training Club