Billingshurst Dog Training Club
Billingshurst Dog Training Club







Chair – Eunice Pearson

Secretary – Pat Reynolds

Treasurer – Trudy Nye

Club Website:


‘DOG ENDS’ Editor- Neil Nye 



Calling all BDTC members. Don’t forget the BDTC Obedience Show is coming up soon!

Please find time to help!! We cannot run this show without the help from the club members!



BDTC is holding its annual Obedience show and the club needs as much help as we can get to make it the success it has been in previous years.

21st June BDTC Obedience Show setup.

22nd June BDTC Obedience Show

23rd June taking down show


BDTC Open Obedience Show is being held back-to-back with South Eastern Dog Training Society at Horsham Rugby Club, Hammerpond Rd, RH13 6PJ.

Prior to the show, if you can provide any tombola prizes please bring them to Club on a Wednesday. If you could volunteer to collect the prizes and number them up, please let us know.

On Wednesday 19th June at Club or Friday 21st June on the field, we need cakes for the judges’ teas.

On Friday, help will be needed to set up rings and distribute tables and chairs to the rings. Also help may be needed with parking the weekend campers.

On Saturday, help will be needed manning the car park (from 7.00am), taking score boards out to the rings, helping in the kitchen, distributing and refilling ring boxes and manning the tombola table. On Sunday afternoon, after 4.00pm, help will be needed to take down rings, tents, load the trailer and generally help tidy up. Please contact Eunice Pearson if you can be of assistance.







BDTC are holding a celebration in memory of dearly missed and longstanding member Graham Reynolds at Dedisham Manor on 14th July. Come along and join us in celebrating his wonderful dog filled life.

Bring along a picnic and chairs, (tea, coffee provided), and enjoy the sunshine (hopefully) at this glorious venue!

We will be holding some fun events for all to participate in. Try out the Have-a-go Agility course, compete in the Obedience Exemption Show, and try your luck on the raffle. (prizes required - all proceeds to charity).


Venue: Dedisham Manor, Guildford Road, Nr Slinfold, Horsham RH130RA (by kind permission of Peter and Valerie Harrison).

If you require disabled parking please email






ANNE BURGE                  17th October 1954 – 15th August 2023.

Anne & Dave joined the dog club in the late 80’s with their working sheepdog Glen. Anne thoroughly enjoyed the training and soon became a regular helper at club events. A small group of us had started to train for competitive obedience competitions, so when Anne acquired her working sheepdog puppy called Sheena, she was also keen to compete with her. Then along came Daley, a large working sheepdog puppy who grew nearly as tall as Anne! Anne and Daley had a ‘special’ bond and trained to the highest level of competitive obedience, being placed in championship classes. When Sheena and Daley passed over rainbow bridge, Anne purchased Tilley, an 8 week working sheepdog puppy and then later, Harvey a beautiful golden retriever.

During this time, Anne regularly taught the pre-competition and competition classes, and they could be seen each week training their dogs on the playing field at Bucks Green on Wednesday evenings.

Dave and Anne were an enormous help when it came to running the annual obedience show. She also organised a number of weekend training courses at the club hall, which were hugely successful and well attended.

As Anne’s disabilities increased, she was no longer able to compete so she retired from dog training but was hoping with the aid of her mobility scooter to be able to exercise her golden retriever Freddie. Sadly, this was not to be as  Anne’s health quickly deteriorated. Her funeral service at Guildford crematorium was ‘packed to the gills’, a testament of the many friends from all walks of life, Anne had. Anne was kind, thoughtful, a true friend who was loved and will be greatly missed by many people.

Marion Clarke and Mavis Kempson.



Lorna Hilton and her Border Collie Lennie (Obedience Champion Halligalli Take a Bow) on winning the Dog Obedience Championship at Crufts, runner up last year, winning this year, what a huge achievement.

Les and Caroline Cocks and their Rottweiler Yogi (Jackery Blaze of Glory) 2nd in the post graduate class at Crufts. Yogi lives up to his show name and still only a young dog but he has had numerous wins in the show ring.


The obedience section has one and a half 100 metre rolls of white banqueting table cover (paper), surplus to requirements. If anyone is interested and happy to give a donation to our charity please contact Marion on 01403 780487.


Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme

We held our annual GCDS tests at Bronze Level at our training hall in Rudgwick on 15th May 2024.

It was a busy time as we had ten of our members who wanted to demonstrate that their dogs are indeed Good Citizens!

The issues covered at this level include every day activities which most responsible dog owners would be doing as a matter of course, especially those coming through our classes!  These include - among other activities - handling and grooming, walking on a loose lead with people and other dogs as a distraction and controlled walk through a doorway.  We held a ‘mock’ test the previous week as we always do to help give the handlers an idea of what to expect.

Thank you to Tracey who was back with us as our judge now she’s fully recovered.  Because of the large number to be tested she brought along Brenda McMichael who helped us out last year.  Tracey is an experienced GCDS judge and often tests for us.  She’s lovely at helping put the people at ease – and lovely with the dogs too of course.

Well done to everyone who took part and congratulations to those who passed the test.  The successful  candidates were:

Christine Bolton with Roxy, Julie Docking with Ava, Catherine Brown with Bertie, Eleanor Baston with Scarlett, Elaine Benson with Hallie, Millie Winter with Tux, Ellie O’Donnell with Lux, Theo O’Donnell with Lunar, Les Cocks with Yogi.


Thank you to Maureen and Marion for coming along to help on the night and for supporting the candidates. 

I will be organizing a test at Silver and Gold level later in the year and so if you are interested – and up for a challenge – then please contact me.   

Elaine Heath, Obedience Instructor





A donation of £1,500 has been made to last year’s charity Streetvet. 

The money raised will be used for out of area vet fees so for pets who ordinarily would have no access to essential vet care! So, these pets would be in locations where Streetvet don’t have outreach services (may be south east, but could be elsewhere). This is where cases get reported to them, and they work with a local veterinary practice to get those experiencing homelessness the treatment/care they need for their pet.



The total for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People so far is £438.00. Please keep donating to this very worthwhile cause!




 Summer is here so now us the time to start thinking about charities for our next AGM!



Please find more information on the charities we support on the Billingshurst Dog Training Club website.







How long can dogs go without water? A dog will start to show signs of dehydration after 24 hours without water. A dry mouth, dry nose, and excessive panting with thick saliva instead of liquid drool are the signs of dehydration in dogs. These are mild signs of dehydration in dogs, but a huge warning that your dog has gone too long without water and needs immediate access to clean, fresh water.

The maximum time a dog can go without water is 48 to 72 hours, although that’s for a healthy adult dog. Dogs with special needs, like puppies, seniors, and sick dogs, cannot go that long.

More serious signs of dehydration in a dog appear quickly. His eyes look sunken. His skin will “tent up” if you pinch a bit (gently) by his shoulders. Normally, that skin should snap back into place. These are warnings that internal problems are starting to reflect the poor hydration—the fact that your dog has gone too long without water. A dog who has gone too long without water may need veterinary attention.

Dangerous Dehydration Signs in Dogs

Many dogs who have gone too long without water will dry vomit and/or have diarrhoea, which increases dehydration in dogs. Poor circulation means the heart must work harder and the brain may not get its full requirement of oxygen and nutrients. Severely dehydrated dogs who have gone too long without water can go into shock and die.

If you suspect your dog is dehydrated, get to the vet. You can offer water and/or an electrolyte solution on your way. One study found that dogs were more likely to increase fluid consumption if provided a flavoured electrolyte solution, Keep your dog cool in the car with the AC on or a fan blowing on him

Prevent Dehydration in Dogs: Obviously, your best bet is to prevent dehydration. Make sure your dog has access to fresh, clean water. If you will be away for hours, consider freezing a bowl of water so it will slowly melt. That way, spillage is reduced, and there is renewable, cold, clean water for your dog to drink.

Your dog should have fresh water available all the time (learn how much water your dog needs to drink). Water is essential for many bodily functions, including making urine to remove toxic metabolic wastes. Water helps your dog to thermoregulate when he is hot by panting. Blood flow, nerve and muscle function, and electrolyte balance are all affected by hydration. No dog should ever go without water long enough to enter a state of dehydration.


This article was sent in by Valerie Harrison and was written by Dr Debra M. Eldridge BVM in the publication Whole Dog Journal.              










If you wish to see a few samples of the club clothing available please speak to Louise Moore (alternatively contact and I will speak to her.

Surrey Embroidery is the suppliers of BDTC clothing.

Check out the items below on the Surrey Embroidery website: 

Either phone them, contact them via the contact page, or email them with your order at the address.


Sweatshirts – Navy:     RX300: £20.40            RX 301: £18.60  Hoodies:     265M French Navy:  £27.50

Rugby Shirts:   FR100 Navy with white collar: £28.00  Polo Shirts RX101 – Navy and white: £16.60 

T shirts GD95 – Navy and White: £13.60  Jackets PW171 – Navy: £29.60       RG125 – Navy: £39.95 

Cap:  RC050 Navy: £13.70 Body Warmer RS214 – Navy : £30.30


Prices include garment, embroidery, vat and p&p, i.e. everything included to receive an individual order. They will send an invoice with the garment.

Please note, Surrey Embroidery do not accept Card Payments so people can pay by BACS, Cheque or Cash. (Note: Prices are correct at time of printing but are subject to change.)

The Surrey Embroidery Co Ltd, The Old Coach House,

1 Fengates Road, Redhill, Surrey,  RH1 6AG.

Tel: 01737 761666, Fax: 01737 780666. 

BACS payments: The Surrey Embroidery co. Ltd, NatWest Plc,

Sort: 60-04-35, Account No.: 52236269





Thanks to all of you who pay your course fees and membership subscriptions online. It is the quickest and easiest way to pay the club.

For anybody who wants to take advantage of this payment system, here are the bank details.

Sort code: 30 94 41 Account number: 01678041.

Contact Trudy at for more details.

Your membership forms will need to be returned to Lynne Stringer

Your course application forms will still need to be returned to the relevant people, i.e. section reps/course instructor/section administrator.





I hope you all enjoyed this copy of ‘DOG ENDS’ and have found something of interest, and we will see you at one of the events.

If you need to find anything out about Billingshurst Dog Training Club, the best place is to check out the website, which I try to keep updated regularly.

If you have anything you would like added (or put in ‘DOG ENDS’) please contact me at, and I will be pleased to add it.

Contributions for the next issue and website are always gratefully received.   

As ever, a very big thank you to all of you who contributed to this edition of ‘DOG ENDS’                                                                                                         The Ed!



Please note BDTC cannot be held responsible for any information found on any of the links in the ‘DOG ENDS’ Newsletter.






(Please note BDTC cannot be held responsible for any information found on any links on the BDTC website!)

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